Monday, February 17th, 2025

We tipped 1st, 2nd and 5th in the Grand National 2014

April 7, 2014 by  
Filed under Recent Articles

We tipped first, second and fifth in the  2014 Grand National  to Members of the false- favourites Members club. Even better than that . We tipped lots of big priced winners And each way selections during this year’s Aintree Festival.

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Here are the BACK SELECTIONS We gave out to our members during the Aintree Festival


Description/Notes Race Time Track Qualifying Horse Odds
National Hunt Flat Race) Grade 1 5.45 Aintree Modus (each way) 8/1 LOST
National Hunt Flat Race) Grade 1 5.45 Aintree Our Kaempfer (each way) 10/1 5TH
>(85) NHF 5.45 Aintree Aqalim (each way) 12/1 3RD PLACED 2.80
>(85) NHF 5.45 Aintree Battle Born (each way) 12/1 6TH
>(100) Aintree Contenders 1.30 Aintree Lac Fontana (FR) 7/1 WON.
>(100) Aintree Contenders 2.50 Aintree At Fishers Cross (IRE) 6/4 lost
>(100) Aintree Contenders 2.50 Aintree Whisper (FR) 6/1 WON.
(23) John GOsden March/April 3.00 Lingfield Brass Ring 5/4 WON.
>(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 3.25 Aintree Unioniste (FR) 11/2 LOST
>(100) Aintree Contenders 4.15 Aintree Balthazar King (IRE) (each way) 16/1 2ND PLACED@ 5.3
>(100) Aintree Contenders 4.15 Aintree Big Shu (each way) 20/1 LOST
>(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 4.15 Aintree Chance du Roy (each way) 33/1 6TH
>(100) Aintree Contenders 4.15 Aintree Pineau De Re (each way) 33/1 WON. placed @ 6.4
>(100) Aintree Contenders 4.15 Aintree Rocky Creek (each way) 12/1  5TH PLACED@ 4.6
>(100) Aintree Contenders 4.15 Aintree The Package (each way) 16/1 LOST
(100) Aintree Contenders 5.10 Aintree Katgary (FR) 7/1 LOST
>(78) Wolves Class 5 7.50 Wolverhampton Almargo (IRE) 13/8 WON.
>(80) AW WON LTO 8.50 Wolverhampton Tenor (IRE) 7/4 LOST




Race Time


Qualifying Horse

>(100) Aintree Contenders 2.00 Aintree Josses Hill (IRE) WON @2.54
>(100) Aintree Contenders 2.30 Aintree Holywell (IRE) WON @ 5.3
>(99) Aintree NHCP 2.30 Aintree Ofaolains Boy (IRE) LOST
>(100) Aintree Contenders 3.05 Aintree Ballynagour (each way) 3RD PLACED @ 5/2
>(100) Aintree Contenders 3.05 Aintree Rajdhani Express LOST
>(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 3.40 Aintree Champion Court (each way) LOST
(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 3.40 Aintree Eastlake (each way) 3RD PLACED@ 6/1
>(100) Aintree Contenders 3.40 Aintree Ma Filleule (each way) WON @ 9/1 PLACED @7/2
>(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 3.40 Aintree Rebel Rebellion (each way) LOST
(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 3.40 Aintree Tatenen (each way) 4TH PLACED@ 7/1
(100) Aintree Contenders 4.15 Aintree Port Melon (each way) LOST
(100) Aintree Contenders 4.50 Aintree Caid Du Berlais (each way) 2ND @ 2.99
(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 4.50 Aintree Clondaw Kaempfer (each way) WON @ 13/1 PLACED AT 5/2
(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 4.50 Aintree Party Rock (each way) LOST
>­­(85) NHF 5.25 Aintree Hannahs Princess (each way) LOST
(100) Aintree Contenders 5.25 Aintree The Govaness (each way)
(76) AW HCP 7.00 Wolverhampton Sir Frank Morgan (IRE)


this Description/Notes

Race Time


Qualifying Horse

>GS or better, 2m4f+ 4.15 Aintree Sound Investment (IRE) LOST
>(100) Aintree Contenders 2.00 Aintree Guitar Pete (each way) WON @7/1 PLACED @ 13/8
>(100) Aintree Contenders 2.00 Aintree Hawk High (each way) LOST
>(100) Aintree Contenders 2.30 Aintree Dynaste (FR) 2nd LOST
>(100) Aintree Contenders 3.05 Aintree The New One (IRE) WON 1/2
(57) AW – HCPS 3.30 Lingfield Sir Guy Porteous (IRE) LOST
>(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 4.15 Aintree Astracad (each way) 4TH PLACED@ 4.25
>(100) Aintree Contenders 4.15 Aintree Claret Cloak (IRE) 3RD PLACED@ 1.92
>99) Aintree NHCP 4.50 Aintree Uxizandre (FR) WON 11/4
>(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 5.25 Aintree Crowning Jewel (each way) LOST
>(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 5.25 Aintree Edgardo Sol (each way) LOST
>(98) Aintree Big Priced HCP 5.25 Aintree Josies Orders (each way) LOST
>(85) NHF 5.35 Taunton Ellins Tower (each way) NR
(76) AW HCP 8.45 Wolverhampton Dissent (IRE) WON @ 13/5


Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess is an official Betfair Accredited Trainer and racing columnist for various respected betting industry publications such as: Betting School, The Daily Punt and Betfair’s Education site. He also runs the Profitable – False Favourites Betting Tips Club. You can contact him here

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