Monday, March 24th, 2025

Are You An Investor Or A Gambler? Why Some Punters Make A Profit Whilst Others Don’t.

Every punter knows that betting systems and tipster services live or die by the profit or loss they make. However, like any other form of investment there are peaks, troughs, and inevitable losing months which have to be accepted on the road to long-term profit. Unfortunately most punters are totally inexperienced when it comes to […]

4 Simple Betting Strategies That Turn a Profit From Small Stakes

Most punters are of the opinion that placing small stakes bets is unprofitable. However, this is completely flawed thinking because there are many different betting strategies you can use to create profitable returns from small wagers, as long as you consider the importance of good money management. The key advantage of small stakes betting is […]

Make Plans NOT Resolutions (10 Profitable Betting Principles For 2015)

New year, new focus Our focus throughout 2011 was all about helping YOU to improve your betting, and help you boost profits. To accomplish this, we developed a variety of tutorials and new features that are designed to make you a more successful punter. We also took a look at how betting habits affect profits, […]

Punters don’t need loads of betting systems, they need a better understanding of their betting habits

Following on from Part 1: “System Addicts vs Action Takers” In the final part of this two part series we will look at why “Action Takers” are more successful with their betting. Action Takers – Take It one step at a time Over the years I have spoken to many experts in the betting field. […]

How To Avoid Being Scammed By Hype Betting Systems

System Addicts vs Action Takers Part 1: In the first part of this two part series we will look at what defines  system addicts and then follow up in Part 2 by comparing them to Action takers. The desire to find the Holy Grail, or elusive money machine ultimately leads punters to the cross roads […]

Change happens

May 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Betting Psychology

Smart punters recognize they need to be flexible. In an ever changing world we all need to accept that responding to change can completely turn a situated around. Shit happens as the saying goes, its what your prepared to do about it that ultimately determines how things turn out. The point I’m trying to make […]

The number one enemy of all punters is miss-information

May 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Betting Psychology, Essential Reading

There are many other reasons as well, most of which also belong in the misinformation category. Below are some of the more obvious ones: They have very little patience and giving up after the first sign a losing sequence. This leads to swapping and changing systems regularly, never giving anything a proper try. They are […]

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