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The number one enemy of all punters is miss-information

May 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Betting Psychology, Essential Reading

There are many other reasons as well, most of which also belong in the misinformation category.

Below are some of the more obvious ones:

  • They have very little patience and giving up after the first sign a losing sequence. This leads to swapping and changing systems regularly, never giving anything a proper try.
  • They are greedy and want to win large amount for very little effort
  • They under-fund their betting activities and have poor money management
  • Using over-hyped, over-priced junk systems that advise placing bad value bets based around flimsy rules.
  • Following dangerous staking plans such as stop at a winner and other suicidal progressive junk.
  • Unwillingness to learn about the sport and the dynamics of professional investing on horses.
  • Unrealistic expectations from their betting activities.
  • Betting on too many different types of races randomly, knowing very little about anyone type in particular.
  • Betting on too many different types of sport. Better to be MASTER OF ONE than JACK OF NONE.
  • Information Overload – In the online betting arena, something new and supposedly ground breaking comes out almost every week. You’ll never be able to keep up, and you’ll go mad trying.

The majority of this missinformation comes from dubious sources, such as the mailing list most punters are signed up to. The constant bombardment of your  in box will never stop unless you unsubscribe from these nonsense peddlers lists. All they predicatbly ever do is promote the latest and greatest hyped systems. These people will never teach what is really needed to win consistently. Better to visit racing forums and related sites to get free advice or join our mailing list here.

It’s a never ending cycle. To be successful, you need to follow a few solid systems/methods that are proven to work and stick with them, filtering out everything else. Don’t let emails about the latest and greatest system become another distraction…

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess is an official Betfair Accredited Trainer and racing columnist for various respected betting industry publications such as: Betting School, The Daily Punt and Betfair’s Education site. He also runs the Profitable – False Favourites Betting Tips Club. You can contact him here

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  • Proven techniques I use in my own betting
  • Honest reviews on systems and services that are profitable
  • Exclusive tips to make your betting easier & more profitable

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Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Jonathan Burgess


2 Responses to “The number one enemy of all punters is miss-information”
  1. weeyin58 says:

    Hi Johnathon,

    I really like your write ups, they are so informative, especially when you are trying
    to make betting pay !

    I noted however that you put in a comment about being a master of one sport, than having
    too many, yet I have read that it is better to spread your portfolio, rather than have
    one egg in the basket…..what do you think ?

    Regards Joyce

    • Jonathan says:

      hi Joyce
      thank you for your positive comments regarding the betting tutorials posted on false favourites log. Indeed, it is better to spread the risk by using a portfolio approach. This can still be achieved by specialising within one sport, for example… By focusing on one type of racing at a particular time of the year, i.e. flat racing in the summer and jumps racing in the winter months. There is just far too much racing these days and no one can hope to profit from Betting across all fields. Ultimately the aim of any successful better is to have a portfolio of backing and laying systems which specialise within the sub categories of each race code, which is in season.

      Kind regards Jonathan Burgess

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