Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

How To Automate Your Betting

February 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Betting Software, Recent Articles

What is a betting bot?

The core aim of any betting software is to save valuable time by automating betting approaches. The majority of bots on the market work through – API (Application Program Interface. Basically the bot takes all its raw data from the betting exchanges in real time.  Then process`s this data based around the criteria you stipulate via the available  filters.

Obviously everyone will approach  betting in different ways, therefore most bots feature many different filters which can be set up to place bets once your stipulated system or trading conditions are met.

Betting software is all the rage and there are literally dozens to choose from some are subscription based whilst others can be purchased for a one off fee. The core aim of a bot is to save time by fully, or partially automating your betting. One thing to bear in mind is that automating a betting approach wont necessarily make that approach more profitable.

That can only be achieved when the strategies you manually employ have already proven to be profitable. In many cases bots are merely a tools designed to save time.

Fortunately most betting bots have demo modes.  These can be used to test systems or ideas, and just as importantly they can be set so you can get to know the key functions before risking any money.

Obviously different types of bots perform different functions. Some are designed solely or trading with one click features which allow the user to green up a market thus no matter what the outcome of the event a profit is made. which features using a bot is completely different

The list below is by no means exhaustive,  but rather includes some of the more obvious points to consider if you are thinking of buying and using a bot.

Positive Advantages

  • There are a few free ones available to give you a taste of automated betting, such as Gruss, Betangel basic.
  • Effective time management – You can free up time and automate bet placement
  • You can stipulate that certain parameters have to be in place before a bet is struck
  • You can create your own trading strategies
  • Greening up when trading can be done with the click of one button
  • Stakes can be calculated instantly when Dutch betting etc
  • Systems can be tested through a bots.
  • Emotion free – unlike punters betting bots don’t make emotional based decisions.  This can help punters to be much more disciplined
  • Betting in a different time zone – Betfair has literally hundreds of global markets.  Therefore any one wishing to bet on an event outside their geographical time zone will struggle get bets matched.  For example Australian punters wanting to bet on events in the UK, such as  Premiership football, Horse racing and  Greyhound racing can overcome this inherent problem using a betting bot
  • Backing more than one selection (Dutching)

Potential  Negatives

If you are considering buying a betting bot ask all the questions above, and any more you can think of.

Realted articles “Other options for punters that work”

  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2011 Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess is an official Betfair Accredited Trainer and racing columnist for various respected betting industry publications such as: Betting School, The Daily Punt and Betfair’s Education site. He also runs the Profitable – False Favourites Betting Tips Club. You can contact him here

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