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Welcome To The False- Favourites Blog

May 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Recent Articles

Firstly we`d like to thank you for putting your trust in us to provide you with information, tips and tutorials all of which have been developed to help you generate consistent profits from your betting activities.

We provide the knowledge! You can use for life.

The fact that you have subscribed to the false favourites tells us that you made a commitment to improving your betting skills and knowledge, with a view to improving your future financial situation. In return our commitment to you will be to provide informative, professional betting advice which will ultimately give you with a great head start when trying to cut through all the hype and nonsense about betting online.

The core aim of this blog is help you make more informed decisions about betting on horses in a realistic honest way.

Whatever your current level of know-how: from “Beginner” to “Advanced” there’s plenty of useful information on the blog help you take it one step at a time. There’s no rush, you are now a lifetime member of the site! Where to begin? We advise you browse “ALL” site navigation tabs, choose a level that suites what you need to know, to get started. Over the coming months we will be adding plenty more tutorials and videos on various betting topics.

If you are a total beginner we recommend you go to Avoid being scammed online! Why Punters fail with most betting systems? first – To give you an overview of the pitfalls to avoid when searching for betting methods online. At least then you can make some informed decisions before you part with your hard earned cash. Remember just like learning any other skill you need to first build some solid foundations, and that means gaining a better understanding of the basic fundamentals before considering tackling any thing more advanced. It’s not really that hard at, all that’s required is some effort on your part.

It’s important for you transform what you learn into Action!

There is a learning curve but it’s not too steep when taken a step at a time. Whatever betting approaches you decide upon trying out; rest assured the knowledge you gain from our blog will be based on solid foundations. You won’t go far wrong remembering all the new tips and techniques you learn are designed to give you a massive advantage, and put you head and shoulders above the majority of people who have a punt. We are passionat with regards to helping learn more about horse racing and betting.

Watch this video to get the low down on the

We look forward to keeping in touch with you personally through the comments areas of every tutorial/post.

Wishing You Every Success

Jonathan Burgess


  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess is an official Betfair Accredited Trainer and racing columnist for various respected betting industry publications such as: Betting School, The Daily Punt and Betfair’s Education site. He also runs the Profitable – False Favourites Betting Tips Club. You can contact him here

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Copyright secured by Digiprove 2010 Jonathan Burgess

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