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Can you make a profit backing quick returners on the All Weather tracks?

December 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Horse Racing, Recent Articles

Well folks its that time of year again – freezing with plenty of snow. Ultimately this means Turf racing in the UK is abandoned.  It can be frustrating when this happens, but from a personal point of view I feel its a good idea to take a break from betting every now and then, as it can help to re-focus the mind and give us an opportunity to look at some other profitable angles. Over the next few weeks lots of punters will be looking to have a bet on the All Weather, due to lack of turf action. Unfortunately most are unaware that a different tac is required when betting on sand and…

Applying a one size fits all approach to any form of betting is pure folly!

Instead, you need to specialise in certain sub categories of horse racing at specific times during the season. The best racing methods are based around finding angles of attack which suit a particular type of horse at a specific time of the year. Any method or system which tries to standardise these variants will ultimately fail.

With this in mind – David Peat of has uncovered some profitable angles to help you make informed decisions when betting at the UK`s All Weather tracks. Learn to make your betting pay by becoming a race-specialist


I have often wondered if the All Weather could be a profitable medium for backing horses and in this first article I will be looking at which trainers are adept at bringing their horses out quickly to win a race

Firstly here is a list of trainers with a 20% strike rate or higher

Trainer Bets Wins WinStrike SP_PL Places PlaceStrike
Prescott, Sir Mark 22 11 50% -5.58 17 77%
Evans, Ms Deborah J 13 6 46% 16.01 7 54%
Baker, George 10 4 40% 3.10 7 70%
Hannon, R 16 6 38% 18.25 10 63%
Williams, S C 37 12 32% 3.24 19 51%
West, Miss Sheena 10 3 30% 2.75 6 60%
Attwater, M J 14 4 29% 7.33 7 50%
Usher, M D I 18 5 28% 12.63 7 39%
Ellison, B 11 3 27% 13.50 6 55%
Barron, T D 30 8 27% 0.62 13 43%
Muir, W R 12 3 25% -2.26 8 67%
Hiatt, P W 51 12 24% 14.58 19 37%
Ryan, K A 30 7 23% -4.13 13 43%
Jenkins, J R 13 3 23% 4.00 4 31%
Ingram, R 13 3 23% 1.63 5 38%
Margarson, G G 14 3 21% 8.10 6 43%
Osborne, J A 14 3 21% -5.93 5 36%
Wigham, M 33 7 21% -13.14 17 52%
Blockley, P A 61 12 20% 3.96 27 44%

At the other end of the scale are trainers who are yet to have a winner when returning a horse quickly to the track

Chapman, M C 27 0 0% -27.00 5 19%
Burchell, D 14 0 0% -14.00 5 36%
Ryan, J 11 0 0% -11.00 3 27%
Williams, Ian 12 0 0% -12.00 4 33%
Doyle, Ms J S 15 0 0% -15.00 0 0%
Price, R J 13 0 0% -13.00 4 31%
Wellings, M 11 0 0% -11.00 1 9%
Davis, D J S Ffrench 16 0 0% -16.00 3 19%
Jarvis, A P 13 0 0% -13.00 4 31%
OReilly, J 12 0 0% -12.00 5 42%
Spearing, J L 12 0 0% -12.00 2 17%
Palling, B 14 0 0% -14.00 3 21%

From the trainer with a 20% plus strike rate I shall look at the trainers who have had 6 winners and have shown a profit (however we will include M Prescott due to his 50% strike rate)

Trainers to follow – Sir Mark Prescott, Ms D Evans, R Hannon, SC Williams, TD Barron, PW Hiatt and KA Ryan

We will now look at what type of races these trainers target

Long-list Race Cat Bets Wins WinStrike SP_PL Places PlaceStrike
Handicap 113 37 33% 31.09 54 48%
Handicap Maiden 1 0 0% -1.00 0 0%
Handicap Nursery 2 0 0% -2.00 1 50%
Non-Handicap 19 7 37% 10.93 11 58%
Non-Handicap Claimer 14 5 36% 2.39 8 57%
Non-Handicap Maiden 12 2 17% 0.88 6 50%
Non-Handicap Maiden Claimer 2 2 100% 4.33 2 100%
Non-Handicap Seller 6 2 33% 0.50 3 50%

We can see that Handicaps and Non Handicap Races as well as Claiming races would appear to be the races to concentrate on

Now we will look at the position of the horse on its last run

Placing LR Bets Wins WinStrike SP_PL Places PlaceStrike
First 36 20 56% 13.33 26 72%
Second 16 8 50% 10.73 9 56%
Third 15 5 33% 6.08 9 60%
Fourth 16 7 44% 21.07 9 56%
Fifth 12 2 17% -6.42 7 58%
Sixth 8 2 25% 4.00 3 38%
Seventh 12 2 17% -1.80 5 42%
Eighth 8 0 0% -8.00 1 13%
Ninth 8 1 13% 4.00 2 25%
Tenth 6 2 33% 6.00 2 33%
Eleventh 6 1 17% -3.25 1 17%
Twelfth 4 1 25% 4.00 1 25%
Fourteenth 1 0 0% -1.00 0 0%

We can see that the best strike rate is from the horses that finished in the first 4 last time out.

Now we will look at the Class of Race the horse is running in

Race Class Bets Wins WinStrike SP_PL Places PlaceStrike
Class 1 1 1 100% 8.00 1 100%
Class 3 4 1 25% 0.50 1 25%
Class 4 13 8 62% 14.32 10 77%
Class 5 34 18 53% 20.89 23 68%
Class 6 26 9 35% 0.62 13 50%
Class 7 5 3 60% 6.88 5 100%

The lower class races have the most runners so will concentrate on Class 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Now we will look at the odds of the horse

Odds Bets Wins WinStrike SP_PL Places PlaceStrike
A) Less than 1/2 9 7 78% 0.25 8 89%
B) Btw 1/2 & 10/11 10 6 60% -0.35 8 80%
C) Btw Evens & 6/4 11 6 55% 1.98 9 82%
D) Btw 13/8 & 9/4 7 3 43% 2.00 5 71%
E) Btw 5/2 & 4/1 19 12 63% 33.83 14 74%
F) Btw 9/2 & 6/1 9 3 33% 9.00 4 44%
G) Btw 13/2 & 8/1 9 1 11% 0.00 2 22%
H) Btw 17/2 & 12/1 1 0 0% -1.00 0 0%
I) Btw 14/1 & 20/1 2 0 0% -2.00 1 50%
J) Btw 22/1 & 40/1 1 0 0% -1.00 0 0%

The price area to concentrate on is the horses priced at 4-1 or under

If we now look at the results from these rules

Bets Wins WinStrike SP_PL Places PlaceStrike
56 34 60.71% 37.71 44 78.57%

The timeline is as follows

Period Bets Wins SP Points Strike Rate
2010 3 2 1.15 66.67%
2009 6 5 8.87 83.33%
2008 7 3 3.75 42.86%
2007 6 2 -0.15 33.33%
2006 9 6 12.13 66.67%
2005 7 3 4.17 42.86%
2004 16 12 8.43 75%
2003 2 1 -0.64 50%

Now if we only look at the three most profitable tracks

Wolverhampton, Kempton and Lingfield these figures become

Bets Wins WinStrike SP_PL Places PlaceStrike
47 29 61.70% 45.17 35 74.47%

Hopefully this article may give you a bit food for thought when you are looking at horses that are returned to the track quickly.

Wishing you every success

David Peat

  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess is an official Betfair Accredited Trainer and racing columnist for various respected betting industry publications such as: Betting School, The Daily Punt and Betfair’s Education site. He also runs the Profitable – False Favourites Betting Tips Club. You can contact him here

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