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This Is Making People Money Every Month And We Want You To Become One of Them

July 8, 2016 by  
Filed under Recent Articles

This Is Making People Money Every Month

And We Want You To Become One of Them

 FREE lay selections 

TODAY 15.7.16

Sire lay selections



15-Jul 6.05 Hamilton Dolphin Rock GD
8.35 Pontefract Intrique GF



Wilsons LAYS:

none today

I won’t make you any ridiculous get rich quick promises; the amount you win is dependent upon your starting bank and the amount you stake in each race. But our tips are easy to follow and very reasonable..

To prove it you can sample our lay tips for seven days for FREE. Then after the seven days once you are satisfied we’ll give you the option to receive six months tips for just £44 – that’s only £7.30 a month, or 0.23 pence per day. (Half the price of a daily newspaper)

Even better…

when you do sign up for six months you’ll qualify to receive an additional bonus with £26.99 – the highly acclaimed race specialist laying system will teach you how horseracing really works and how to find your own LAY selections.

Here are some important facts about our lay tips:

  • These are the ultimate pick up and bet tips. There is no form studying necessary, simply login to your betting exchange account and place the bets
  • And it doesn’t involve much time either – just a few minutes in the morning or afternoon.
  • They are very affordable! Considering the average tipster or sports advisory service charges at least  “25-£45 per month our uniquely profitable LAY TIPS are Probably the cheapest online

Don’t just take our word for it listen to what one of our satisfied customers had to say…

Hi Jon,

Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work mate. These Negative Sire Stats are wonderful to lay and up to yet I’m over the moon with them and I would go as far as to say they are far better than these tips some greedy sods want you to pay big money for.

It’s great to find someone like you Jon who is honest and tells it as it is and people would do well to listen to what you tell them because we who have been at this game for some time know we have lots of con men telling you about this loop and that secret that will win you a fortune.

No such thing as easy money and as you put it wonderfully yourself its hard work from start to finish. Anyway, once again Jon keep it up mate and do your best that all we can ask of you.




Wilson is a long-term member of the false favourites blog. He posts lay selections on our members only forum most days, usually one day, sometimes two.

He has a proven track record for providing profitable lay selections at low odds.

To pick them up follow these steps:

  1. If you’re not already a forum member subscribe its free (you do this via the forum itself)
  2. once registered click this link >>>  Type in the following password


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the route is



3) LAYS   by  WILSON 0071

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Jonathan Burgess

Jonathan Burgess is an official Betfair Accredited Trainer and racing columnist for various respected betting industry publications such as: Betting School, The Daily Punt and Betfair’s Education site. He also runs the Profitable – False Favourites Betting Tips Club. You can contact him here

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  • Honest reviews on systems and services that are profitable
  • Exclusive tips to make your betting easier & more profitable

Get your hands on one of the most successful laying systems online click on the image below...

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